Total Medals Earned: 90 (From 31 different games.) Total Medal Score: 1,955 Points
Medals Earned: 8/11 (370/430 points)
Fire a weapon 10 times.
Reload a weapon 5 times.
Create a custom timeline sequence.
View every firearm.
Fire a weapon 100 times.
Reload a weapon 25 times.
Fire a weapon 500 times.
Reload a weapon 50 times.
Fire a silenced weapon 25 times.
View all equipment items.
Disable all effects.
Medals Earned: 5/8 (55/255 points)
Get 10 kills
Get 100 kills
Get 1,000 kills
Get 10 headshots
Get 100 headshots
Get 1,000 headshots
Earn 4 stars for all game modes
Prestige your profile
Medals Earned: 2/9 (75/500 points)
Complete the tutorial levels.
Get 100 headshots.
Achieve 10 victories.
Use a soldier airdrop.
Get 100 melee kills.
Get 1000 kills.
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Medals Earned: 6/18 (140/500 points)
Purchase a weapon from the Class Editor
Purchase an Apache AH-64 from the Reinforcements Menu
Win a game of Team Deathmatch
Complete a wave with only headshots
Purchase an attachment from the Class Editor
Win a game of Capture the Flag
Win a game of Defender
Purchase an M1 ABRAMS from the Reinforcements Menu
Complete wave 5 in Basic Survival
Complete wave 5 in Undead Survival
Capture the enemy flag in Capture the Flag
Make a bet
Return your flag in Capture the Flag
Complete wave 10 in Undead Survival
Medals Earned: 1/12 (25/350 points)
Survive wave 5 in Undead Survival
Get 10 kills in Ranked mode
Get 10 headshots in Ranked mode
Get the first kill in Ranked mode
Get 100 kills in Ranked mode
Get 50 headshots in Ranked mode
Earn a killstreak in Ranked mode
Survive wave 5 in Terrorist Survival
Survive wave 5 in Chaos Survival
Get 500 kills in Ranked mode
Get 100 headshots in Ranked mode
Prestige in Ranked mode
Medals Earned: 3/3 (40/40 points)
Start the game
Beat Week 1 in Story mode and unlock Week 2
Funk on a Friday (real time)
Medals Earned: 2/6 (75/275 points)
Kill someone in air while you are in air.
Kill someone directly below you.
Get 3 Kills Streak
Get 10 Kills Streak
Get 20 Kills Streak
Medals Earned: 1/5 (25/210 points)
Defeat Dad Clock
Defeat Strawberry Clock
Defeat Pico and Nene
Win the game with more than 70 hp remaining
Medals Earned: 1/10 (10/470 points)
Get 50 headshots
Reach level 10
Get 1000 kills
Reach level 30
Get 500 headshots
Medals Earned: 5/13 (75/460 points)
Defeat the boombox man
Defeat the 1337 agent and... "friends"
Defeat the A.T.P. engineer
Defeat Mag Agent: Torture
Defeat Sanford and Deimos
Defeat Sanford THEN Deimos